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Citizen Charter

Offer insurance coverage for various non-life insurable risks and potential financial losses under the directives of Nepal Insurance Authority. Applicable Laws & Actions:

  • Company Act, 2063
  • Insurance Act, 2079
  • Insurance Rules & Regulations, 2049
  • Securities Act, 2063
  • Corporate governance Directive, 2075
  • Other rules & regulations and guidelines including all the circulars circulated by the regulatory body for non-life insurance companies

To get any type of insurance, you need to fill out the proposal form and KYC forms completely. You also have to submit photos and a copy of your citizenship, passport, or PAN card.

Here are specific requirements for different types of insurance:

  • Vehicle Insurance: Provide a copy of the Blue Book and the renewal notice from your previous insurance company (to claim any no-claim discount).

  • Property Insurance: You’ll need a Land Ownership certificate (Lalpurja), Nakshaa Pass, a photo of the property you want to insure, and copies of PAN/VAT registration. If you’re insuring a property for a business, include the company registration documents.

  • Other types of Insurance: Additional documents may be required depending on the specific insurance you choose.

Make sure you have all the necessary documents to make the process smooth.

After the submission and verification of the required documents, we can issue the policy within one hour or if further documents are required it will take maximum of one working day.

Renewal notice is sent to the client one month prior to the policy expiration date via email, personal call and SMS.

Claim intimation should be done via email to or can be informed by telephone number 041-591453. The claim can also be intimated in respective branches of Star Micro Insurance Company Limited via email or telephone call. The details for the same are mentioned on our website .

For the claim settlements, the following steps will be carried out by the claims department after receiving the claim intimation from the client:

  • A duly filled claim form along with other required document should be submitted to company for settlement of the claim.
  • An independent surveyor or in-house staff will be deputed by company for proper assessment of the damages/loss.
  • After receipt of assessment report and other necessary document, claim department will review the claim and issue discharge voucher for duly approval of customers.
  • Discharge Voucher should be sent on to the claimant
  • The claim will be settled as soon as possible once receiving the surveyor report and other necessary documents.
  • After receipt of duly signed discharge voucher, claim amount will be dispersed to the customers via online bank transfer or cash / cheque.

Feel free to reach us either by phone at 041-591453 or through email at

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